Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 1 Training Review

Well, I have decided to follow Bart Yasso's 12 week 1/2 marathon training course. I was using it this past Janurary through March for the Country Music Marathon before my IT band decided to go haywire on me. I counted back 12 weeks from Oct. 3rd and the 1st week was last week. I had no idea that last week was the start of the training cycle. So I checked the charts to see what was required for the 1st week of training. Below is what was required followed by what I actually did.

Week 1 Training (actual miles)
Mon - 4 miles
Tues - 4 miles
Wed - Rest (3 miles 9:18 pace)
Thurs - 4 miles
Fri - Rest (4 miles 8:34 pace)
Sat - 5 miles (6 miles 8:57 pace)
Sun - Rest

Total - 17 miles (13 miles)

So I was 4 miles short last week and had no idea. I did 16 miles the week before, so atleast I had some mileage on the log. I was ready for this week to start though. The week is planned like this:

Week 2 Training
Mon - 4 miles (4 miles 9:34 pace)
Tues - 3 miles (3 miles 8:47 pace)
Wed - Rest
Thurs - 5 miles
Fri - Rest
Sat - 6 miles
Sun - Rest

Total - 18 miles

My shins were hurting last night for the 1st 2 to 2 1/2 miles. I guess they were mad for the 6 mile run on Saturday. When they stopped hurting, I was able to run and enjoy it. This afternoon, I wanted to get my 3 miles in before the rain started. I felt good running today and didn't really have any pains. My legs did feel alittle tired though. I ended the run with 3 constant miles (8:46, 8:45, 8:47). I am getting more and more accustomed to running around an 8:30-8:45 mile. I need to hit 9:00-9:10 miles to get my desired time for my 1/2 and full marathons. Best case for both races is under 1:50:00 for a 1/2 and under 4 hrs for a marathon. I know that is lofty for my 1st marathon and 2nd 1/2, but I know I can do it. I was 4 mins shy this past March at the Tom King 1/2. I can make under 2 hrs this next one. That is my time goal (Under 1:50:00 is my dream). For the full marathon, I want to finish under 4 1/2 hrs to be happy. If I make it through this fall healthy, then a sub-4 hr marathon for my 1st one is doable.

Anyway, I am off to eat supper and get some sleep. Tomorrow is a rest day, but I plan on riding 10 miles or so on the bike if it is not raining in the morning.

Happy Running....


1 comment:

Brian said...

Hey cool, maybe you'll blog more often now :)....though I have been enjoying your tweets. Congratulations on your Ambulance Coder certification.