Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Well, I can't seem to learn from my mistakes....

Since everything is going good, Rich and I decided to go out again this morning for a 3 to 4 miler. We did three miles. My IT band started a dull ache at about 1.25 miles. I finished up with no more pain but just the dull ache. I thought after the run that I should have stuck with what was working and run every other day. So, I will take tomorrow and Friday off and then run my planned 6 miles on Saturday morning. A buddy of mine called me today and wants to run with Rich and I on Saturday morning. This gives me another running partner to pound some miles with.

I just have to get it through my hard head not to push myself and try to do too much too soon like I have the past 2 times. You think I would learn....

Oh yeah, I should have known something was up when my Garmin died before we got 1/2 mile into the run!!!!

Well, at least the 2 days off will give me time to catch up on sleep. This week was revival at church and I have been getting in bed late....

Happy running!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today's Run was EXCELLENT!!!!

The weather was great this morning when I woke up to run. There was no rain (thought it was moving in) and there was a breeze blowing. I met Rich outside his house and we took off as usual. We ran our regular 4 mile out and back that we always run. We were talking the other day that our 4 and 5 mile out and back runs have alot of hills in them. Maybe that will help me down the road though. Anyway, we chatted it up the whole time we ran and I was feeling good. I even joked with Rich when we turned at 2 miles to head back that I was crying at this same location Saturday in the heat wanting to walk!!! We usually run at around a 9:30 pace, so when we turned into the neighborhood, I thought that we had speed up a bit. We finished our 4 miler back in front of his house and walked around a bit to cool down. When I uploaded my Garmin data later, we had ran the last mile in 9;12. I felt like we had sped up some. The run went great and it was pain-free again.

Now, I am sitting at work today thinking about sneaking in a 2 mile run in the morning to get a few extra miles. Not that long after that, I get a text from Rich to see if I wanted to go again in the morning. So, of course I said "when and how far." We are planning on hitting 4 more miles in the morning. If I can get another 4 in on Thursday and 6 miles on Saturday, I will have a total of 18 miles this week. Not too bad!!!!!

Now only if the rain will hold off or stop for 40 mins in the morning.....

Oh yeah, I BIG SHOT OUT to RICHCOOK99...I see you have found my blog that I talk about and bore you with while we run. When can I expect to be reading your blog on here?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My 2nd week back running review

Well, my 2nd week back from injury went well. I got 4 miles in on Tuesday, 4 miles in on Thursday, and 6 miles on Saturday. All this for a grand total of 14 miles. WOW!!! I know, that is a BIG number!!! Anyway, I am glad to get those 14 miles and stay pain free while running. Yesterday after my 6 miler, my IT band was alittle tender. I don't need to go over 6 miles for a few weeks just to make sure I don't over do it on a long run. I plan on running a 10K on Memorial Day, so I need to get in a 6 miler every weekend until then. I don't really plan on "racing" it, but I do want to finish and be pain free. I do plan on racing the Strawberry Stride on May 16th, so the 4, 5, and 6 mile runs will help me run faster for 3.1 miles. I would love to finish around 24 mins.

I plan on doing the same routine this week as last week. I might throw in a SLOW 2 mile run on one of the off days, but I am not sure yet. I would really like to be up to at least 20 miles a week for the Strawberry Stride. After the 10K, I am hoping to add a 4th day of running to increase up to 22-25 miles a week. By end of summer, I would like to be doing 5 days a week and 30-35 miles a week. I plan on trying to get an 8-10 mile run in at least once a week. I am hoping this builds up to a good running base for me. I am setting my sights on running both The Middle Half and the Music City 1/2 Marathons in October. If they go well, I will be running either the Rocket City Marathon, Las Vegas Marathon, or Memphis Marathon in December. I think if I can stick to this plan, I should a have good running base by August. This way I should not have to start until after the 2 1/2 marathons on 18 plus long runs. I figure get in a couple of 20 milers and an 18 milers and I should be set.

Congrats to RunnerMom for finishing her 1st marathon. You braved the heat and done it. I was thinking about all the runners while I was crying about being hot on my 6 mile run.

See everyone on the pavement....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Man this feels good!!!!

Well, as you can tell by my last post, I am out pounding the pavement again. I really was worried through my 1st 1.66 mile run that my IT band would keep me from running again. But I made it through and didn't push myself. The next 2 runs were only 2 miles, but it helped my confidence in my recovery. This past Saturday, I ran 5 miles with Rich and Mickey. I had only planned on doing 3 or maybe 4 miles. I was going to head out and then turn back at 1.5 to 2 miles. But at both points though I was feeling good and my IT band was feeling awesome. I ended up doing the full 5 miles with them. We did around a 9:30 pace, so it was a good run. I had no pain afterwards and felt good on Sunday. This was good and bad for me. Good that I ran 5 miles and it was pain-free, but bad cause it fueled my desire to run long runs again...hehehe.

Well two days later, I wake up at 5am to run again. But the minute I get up, a wave of nausea hit me. I guess fish and 3 beers for supper was not a good pre-run meal. Anyway, I put my run off until this afternoon. Since today is my birthday, I figured I would give myself a 4 mile run for my birthday. I got home from work and instant changed and stretched out. I hit the pavement and planned on doing 4 miles at a 10:00 pace. I hit the 1st mile in at an 8:36 pace and was like WOW!!! I felt good and the IT band was smooth and sailing. I hit the next mile in 8:53 while running into a headwind. I still felt pretty good, but my breathing was alittle out there. My next mile was at a 9:12 pace. I really struggled with this mile. My breathing got really out of hand and I had to slow to keep from getting a side stitch. My legs felt alittle fatique also. My watch beeped for 3 miles and I found my 2nd wind. I picked up the pace alittle and finished the 4th mile in 8::54. I got 4 miles in 35:35. I was pretty stoked at the 8:54 pace. I was also very happy with the IT band making it through without even a hint of any pain. The only thing that was hurting were my lungs!!!!

I plan on getting in 4 miles on Thursday and then 5 or 6 on Saturday. That will get me 13-14 miles for the week. I know it ain't much to all you hardcore runners, but it is a good start to my recovery.

Until next time.......

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well after resting my IT band for 4 weeks and gaining 10 lbs, I decided to go against my doctor's advise and start running again. He told me to rest it 6 weeks and go to phyiscal therapy. Well, I'm in the medical field, so I make a horrible patient. I just could not stand it anymore. I put on 10 lbs in 4 weeks and I got back to feeling tired alot. I had to do something. So I started last week with a slow, easy run to see how I would do. After 1.66 miles, my IT band was aching a bit, so I shut it down and didn't push it. Then this past Tuesday morning, I was up at 5am to stretch out good before meeting Rich at 5:45am for a 2 or 3 mile run. I decided about a mile into it, that I needed to take it easy, so I just did 2 miles. Rich ran another to get in 3 miles. He is in the same boat I am with the weight gain. He said he has put on weight since his marathon in December and wants to get back to running. My IT band was killing me after I ran 2 miles. But after about 30 minutes and a HOT shower, it was fine. It was a little tender going up and down steps, but other than that, it was good. I decided I would run 2 miles every other day this week. I might try 3 miles next week depending on how everything goes this week. Well after Noah's game tonight, I got out and did my 2 miles for today. I probably ran alittle harder than I needed too, but it was feeling good. Plus, I was blowing off the stress of a horrible 1st game for our baseball team. Now to rest up for 2 more miles Saturday morning with Rich. Pray that my IT band keeps getting better so I can get up to 5-6 miles at a time.

A shot out to Amy and Vandy-Montana. They are leaving in the morning to run the StL marathon on Sunday. Good Luck to both of you and I will be praying for ya'll to travel safely and run injury free.

Now for a shower and the bed!!!!

Oh yeah, if anyone is on Twitter, look me up!!! I am StangLuvr on there too. Look for that or Jay Austin. Leave me a comment here and I will follow you on Twitter.