Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Well, I have a decision to make....

I have spent most of my rest day walking around on bad feet. My left arch has a raw spot on it and my right arch still hurts. The right foot does feel better today though. I have been dealing with blisters on my left foot since I started running, so it is no big deal. Anyway, getting back to my decision....

Should I change from running 4 days a week to 3 days a week. Currently I am running Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Saturday is my long run days. The rest are anywhere from 4-7 miles. It seems like after running on Saturday, my legs are good for the Monday run, but Tuesday is another story. I had to skip my Thursday run last week and I would this week if I had not already made plans to run with Rich. I am starting to wonder if I am overtraining for my 1st marathon. I was thinking of changing to running on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These runs would be anywhere from 5-8 miles. I would keep my Saturdays as a long run day. This would give me 2 days of rest after my long run, and a day of rest between each day of running. I would make up for the dropped day by picking up a mile or two on each Tuesday and Thursday. Any suggestions?

I know that the training is the hard part, but I don't want to kill myself to get to the marathon. I plan on running another one in late fall/early winter. I want to run as much as possible without breaking down my body.

So, with all that said, I will be up at 5am in the morning to get in 4 more miles in the COLD!!! I hope my arch can handle it and still be able to do the training run on Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's my 2 cents and then some. You may find it easier to keep running 4 days/wk and lower milage if needed. Be careful running with pain. If it is affecting your form and not getting better as you loosen up, you may consider taking some time off. This is harder than running, but you've got time and want to be healthy on race day. Shoes are your best investment. Not sure if Fleet Feet is your closest specialty store, but find a place that employees runners who are trained to help you find the proper shoe. Only other main recommendation I have is to vary your pace more. Most of your milage should be below race pace, with some faster. Hope that helps.
