Monday, March 9, 2009

I think I need an ice machine....

I have used so much ice in the past 3 days. Between the ice bath after my long run Saturday to icing my calves and right knee every waking minute, I have used every ice cube in my house. Guess I need to start buying bags of ice to but in my freezer in the garage. I have gotten paranoid now after long runs. I really don't want to miss another week of running due to soreness. The good thing is, RICE helped my knee. The tenderness is all but gone today. My calves are sore, but I feel like I am going to be able to run on them. Just in case, I have ice on them as I am typing....hehehe.

I set the alarm clock for 4:45am this morning and planned on getting in a SLOW 6 miles. It went off, and I hit snooze. It went off, and again, I hit snooze. The next time it went off, I turned it off and laid there willing myself to get up. Then, next thing I know, It s 6:35am and I have to leave the house at 7:00am to get the kids to school and get to work. Sooooo, I missed my run this morning. My son had baseball practice this afternoon, so running is out for today. My wife is at the gym now. As of Saturday, she has lost 30 lbs. I am very proud of her. But as I said above, I am icing down everything!!!!! On a side note, I have a pretty rotten sinus infection too and I felt like crap yesterday. I even left church early because my head was pounding. I have taken a ton of allergy and sinus pills since yesterday, so it feels better atleast.

Now to get some rest, since I lost an hour yesterday, and get ready to pound the pavement tomorrow....

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