Friday, March 13, 2009

The night before....

well, at 8am in the morning, I will be starting my 1st 1/2 marathon. I am excited about it, and then again, I am scared. I know I can do the mileage. I know I can do it under 2 hrs. What I don't know is how my body will do. I have rested my legs this week and everything is feeling good. I don't mind running in the rain, but I am not sure how I will react to cold AND rain. I won't be using my MP3 player. I don't mind it getting wet (it's an antique), but I don't want to ruin my $100 Bose earbuds. I was hoping to tag along with Vandy-Montana and/or Amy. But Vandy-Montana is going to bust out hard, and after reading Amy's post today, she is going to kick my butt too. I guess I will just run my own pace and see what happens. I hope I don't look like a dying wet monkey or something worse when I am on the jumbotron!!!!! SO, let the good times roll!!!!!

Here is my pre-race plan for tonight.
1. I have been hydrating ok today, but I drank a few extra waters and some Endurance Fuel tonight
2. I ate pizza and pasta today for lunch. I got a pizza in the oven right now for supper.
3. I plan on getting in bed by 9pm (if the kids will let that happen)
4. I plan on getting to the race at about 6:30am or so. That way I have plenty of time to warm up and get ready.
5. I plan to do a no rain dance prior to going to bed to stop the rain tomorrow.
6. I plan on PR'ing in this race. (Of course I will, it is my first! Unless I DNF!!!)

Well, look me up tomorrow. I should be the wet running who is trying to stay warm...hehehe. I plan on running in my highlighter yellow M.T.M.O. t-shirt over my under armour. If it is really cold, I will have on my long sleeve white KENTUCKY t-shirt.

Hope everyone gets a good night's rest....


Vandy-Montana said...

damn, 6:30 may be a bit early for an 8:30 start. I think we'll get there about 8...but I live about 1 mile from the start...

Brian said...

Ahh, well if it were the Disney half marathon, they'd require you to get there 2 hours early.

Good luck to you both. I'll look forward to the race report (though I'll be incommunicado for a week after Saturday night).