Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Well, today's weather was nice

Got up at 5am to get in a run with Rich. At 5:30am, we started from his house on our way for an out and back for a total of 4 miles (d0ne in 36:10). This was supposed to be done yesterday, but we opted for the warmer weather this morning. It was alittle chilly when I went outside, but I got nice and warm while running. We chatted the whole way about The Biggest Loser, baseball, or me running the 1/2 or full. I think I am going to keep putting down the mileage that my marathon training program has planned. I will do 16 this weekend, but the 18 next weekend will only be 13.1 (Tom King 1/2). I plan on running it has fast as I can to push the pace some. I kinda figure the 5 miles I will miss out on will be made up for if I push the 13.1. The 20 miler that is on my schedule will be the Strider's 20 miler planned for the 21st. After that, I think I will start tapering down. There is one more 20 miler on the schedule, but I think I will do 16-18 miles that day. It is only 3 weeks out from the race, and I don't want to be too fatigued or hurt something. My calves are fine now. They felt good this morning while running and I have had no trouble through the day. My right arch is doing better. It is still slightly tender if I mash around on it. So, of course, I am not mashing around on it. It is just a small nagging pain while running, so I am not going to worry about it anymore. I plan on just putting my head down and running the mileage. This week calls for a few more miles during the week. We plan on doing 5-6 miles in the morning. Next week will be a couple of 6 milers and a 4 miler before the 1/2.

So, if you can't tell, I have changed my mind again. I plan on staying on track for the marathon. If anything happens (knock on wood), I will drop down to the 1/2 at the Expo.

Hope everyone has a good run in the morning. It is about warm enough now to run in shorts during the morning.....

1 comment:

Brian said...

Nice to see things are going somewhat smoothly again. Let's hopw things stay that way for the next three weeks at least.